Software Solutions

The world runs on software and Orca’s team is at the forefront of modern software development. Take your system‘s performance to the next level with Orca’s software products.

All The Time, Every Time

Orca customers can count on reliable software that meets even the toughest requirements without missing a beat. For safety-critical systems, compliance standards such as MISRA, JSF-AV, or ISO 26262 can bring the failure rate of our systems to near 0%. Orca's strict testing polices ensure that our software systems are safe and reliable.

Facing Hard Deadlines, Confidently

When execution times are top priority, Orca's software engineers ensure their products meet deadlines with ease. From controlling fluid inflow in medical equipment to ensuring precise motor control, Orca customers can run their products confident that their timing requirements are met, every time.

Safe, and Secure

Orca knows that information security is of the utmost importance in the information age. Compliance with the latest security standards such as CERT and CWE ensures that your confidential information is kept as such, both during development and after the system is deployed.

Ready for Orca to help you?

If you think you may be ready for a quote, have our team reach out to see how we can help!

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